Healthcare costs

On behalf of your GP, Oude IJssel General Practitioner Care submits a claim to your health insurer for a set amount each quarter for chronic care. This amount is the same for every patient within the specific care programme, regardless of the amount of care required. The care required will depend on the severity of your condition and the ‘individual care plan’ you have agreed with your GP or nurse practitioner. If, on your health insurance statement, you see healthcare costs for ‘BV Diabeteszorg’, ‘BV Longzorg’, ‘BV Innovatie In Zorg’ or ‘BV Hart&Vaatzorg’, this means that you are being treated by your GP for one or more chronic conditions. If you have questions about any of the above, please speak to your GP.



Huisartsenpost Oude IJssel Voor Spoed Logo

Huisartsenpost Oude IJssel B.V. is
part of Huisartsenzorg Oude IJssel B.V.


Kruisbergseweg 27
7009 BL Doetinchem
+31 85 485 3444

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